From Cruise Ships to Camel Fairs: My Ongoing Love Affair with India
I was first in India when I worked on a cruise ship. The QE2, to be precise, where I was working in the showband. From 2004-2005, I did a world cruise that took me to amazing parts of the world: to Oman, and Japan, and Turkey, and Egypt…and to India. To Mumbai in point of fact. I got off, explored a bit, found a restaurant I liked, took some photos, hung out with the other musicians then after two days, got back on the ship and saidelled off for the Persian gulf. But I was sad not to have been there for longer.

Then in 2011, I got married to J., a fashion designer who had spent a lot of time in India. We visited a few times, and in 2013, between academic jobs after completing my PhD, we spent the last half of the year in Delhi. Two Wheels In (Junior Edition) came with us too. It was my first real experience living in a foreign country. And boy was Delhi foreign.

So now, nearly ten years after my extended stay there, I’m returning. J. and I are no longer together, but Dalma and I are. We returned from Bali five months ago, and it’s been a busy six months for both of us. In the manner of people with restless (itchy?) boots, we’re heading off to India and Rajasthan. I’ve been to Pushkar and Jaipur, but fleetingly, and certainly not on a motorcycle.
A friend of mine says India sometimes stands for “I’ll never do it again”. That hasn’t been my experience. I’ve always felt a strong pull back to India. It’s confronting, and immersive, and troubling, and somehow gets under your skin. I can’t wait to get back.
We’re leaving shortly after New Years, so expect blogs, photos, and videos from then.
What fun!